good afternoon world
or is it. i dont know. watched 'death in gaza' on tv last night and realised how much everything sux. yes i know that im sounding all adolescent (hey im only just out of it, i cannae help meself) but it all did just seem very pointless. and i cried. feel its time to kick some war mongering butt all the way to peaceville.
made it home off campus in another sunnypatch last week, but the vespa adventures continued this week with 2 emergency stops and a huge faux pas at a roundabout. my driving etiquette leaves much to be desired methinks. took my exam yesterday. im glad its done but who can say how well? think a little bit more (any? some?) revision wouldve helped...
god i hate beans. all of them. damn pulses and their nasty proteiny properties. why am i anti supplements? o lord. o o o o that shakespeherian rag. beans for breakfast lunch and t. well not quite. but i did end up blending them with parsley to make pasta sauce. robin (girl) said it was nice but i think she was just humouring me after the vegan cake fiasco.
check out my shitty night last nite. post exam i drove home, interviewed some girls about traumatic events for the paper and watched disturbing tv. thanks for your love mi amigos, will not be relying on u lot for a celebratory post exam night next time.
but apart from that the weekend went, today has almost finished, and i might (just might) get to see guitarwolf tomorro night (hold your breath). if not, a birdy informs me dpl is happeneing (prince albert as usual).
we are but skin about a wind, with muscles clenched against mortality.
or so they say.
when the post office admit they stole my shoes and give them back i will rleease the chief executives dog and stop sending him pictures of me sexually abusing his 4 year old daughter. but until then, the mayhem continues.
maybe c y'all tomorrow if you've pulled up your proverbial socks.
jess. jess. jess. jess.
it#s Jess!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Friday, May 21, 2004
"You are... Haruko! You are spunky, hyper, slightly mysterious, sexually open and completely free with yourself. You don't mind toying with people and are an ambitious person. The only problem may be that people will find you a little over-whelming at times. Your personality is strong and you like strong people in turn. Haruko owns a Rickenbacker bass guitar and drives a vintage Vespa. She's an alien who knows what she wants."
or so it says. who is haruko? i dunno but im glad i am. hmm. indeed, toying eith people is one of my favourite pastimes.
y am i trapped on campus?
a) i lost the code to the exit forcefield
b) i just love it here
c) i drove my bike in in a sunny patch and now its pissing it down and im scared to leave
d) ok look the answers c. duh. but what if it never stops raining? sob.
am also here trying to print something out for anna. but its not on the disk she gave me. and i have no credit. what happens now? only u can decide...
and while we're at it, could someone please do some revision for me? i get the feeling its never gonna get done otherwise.
carnival saturday nite. b there. if not, c u for vegan lunch at the cowley on sunday.
Thursday, May 20, 2004
is this just fucking freaky or what?
Haruko owns a Rickenbacker bass guitar and drives a vintage Vespa"

take the character test here.
bo bo bo bo bo.
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
first things first, yes i really AM as cute as that pic. purrr at me. so yeah had a bit of a problem actually writing this time. just sat here looking at the screen and waiting for it to load. which it had. sad huh?
so i tried to see grillys blog but it wasnt there anymore. and i wonder, if grillys blog vanishes, does grilly vanish too?
the last few days have been a bit mental. i am superchilled about my work (and the fact that i havent done it) but that led to me realising today that i have NO IDEA where and when hand in is etc. would have bin stressful if my karma bubble hadnt remained intact.
yesterday i put-putt-ed my way onto and off of campus on my scooter which was adventurefilled as i got trapped in a car park - no1 told me those barrier things raise when you drive at them! - and had my first full on encounter with... THE VOGUE GYRATORY. which sounds like the name of a film doesnt it. a bit like 'shariah law (and the unsolved death of perry mason)' which i came up with yesterday at beths.
at beths where we (me, grillbo, alex, rach, dom, tuck, joe, and cris) watched the film i made of beth and annabel. still unnamed as it goes, suggestions welcome. it didnt turn out too bad. at least i thought it was ok tho to be honest after days of editing it i feel like vomiting when i hear merrygorounds. doo doo doo doo doo...see? its still in my head. grrr.
i can't even remember the weekend which people used to say meant it was probably good, but thinking about that i think that if u cant remeber ur weekend its probably cos ur repressing something really traumatic that happened. just as well i cant remember huh?
think it was sunny. but who can tell? think i played games with laurence and he got all freaked out. and man these are games we play on summer camp with like kids as young as ten. so twas indeed funny to watch laurence get scared. (for your reference it was the dinner time shooting game...tho that does sound scary i guess) well ill let you make up your own mind. check laurences blog or come round to mine & challenge me....
jessski. reclaim the name dude.
ps whats the point?
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
the man in the shop called me on my phone. he said, your bike is ready! and i said, do you mean its past its mot? no. oh, well do you want to call when it has, because then i can get it insured and thus actually ride it on the roads of the UK. so he did, and now i can - and now i do!! amazing! freedom of the press!!1 it's really super. i'm full of beans and armed to the teeth with road guns! i kick so much arse its untrue (no really it is). no more cigarettes for Jeski, i'm only burning gasoline from now on.!!"!! ah, the freedom of the hiway..
love grilly. i mean jessski.
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
hello world!
well today matthew i think ill be...beating up laurence! o yes he has indeed asked for it. to set the record straight, i ACTUALLY won one of those games, he is just a sore loser and truth will out through pain if necessary.
so yes i had a hostile day the other day which was remidied by the aformentioned game of grass. my newfound veganism made me angry as i had to eat a plate of chips in town as the only vegan alternative AND THIS IS BRIGHTON for fucks sake. so i growled at some people, but this amazing guy stopped me on the street and showed me a birds egg that a bird had hatched out of. he was cool yknow? he just showed me the egg and wandered off. rokka. not that i appreciated it at the time (but then, it WAS a hostile day...)
u can check out laurences site for the update on the party and the crazy french 'now-you-have-your-hierachy' people so suffice it to say...rokkaga.
so i finished the first bit of my film - the actual filming. persuaded the media guy at uni to let me have an edit suite and someone to teach me how to use it! he was sweet. but i think he thought i was mentally defective. thats all kicking off tomorrow, when i get back from my ROADRIDE on my scooter. check out and see if i drive into uni or not. booyakka.
it was lovely to see jo again, i anticipate the day she moves her lovely ass into my house permanently. not in a pervy way mind you.
ooh and also, when i said grilly would make a good 'boyfried' i really meant that. literally. damn my animal rights based ethics. check new grilly pies at the place on campus he bought a dirty meat thing from. they really will stoop to anything.
and lastly; i have decided to kill anyone on ebay who bids against me. this is the THIRD time someone has marginally outbid me for boyrobins bday present. grrr. the next one will be the first to suffer the wrath of my personal ninja troupe.
sorry for the long post, i have a communication disorder.
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
don't click on the word jazz on grilly's post! it's wrong!
Friday, May 07, 2004
grilly was wearing the same t-shirt two days in a row! gross! what's more, i only noticed because he never normally does it and only did it because yesterday was noticably sweat-less. so in fact he's quite clean, and elligable. he'd make a great boyfried.
hello world!
gosh how exciting it is to have figured out the crazy world of cyberness. or something. what a nice week i've been having. lots of work but luckily the weathers been shit so i havent left the house. check out my transmetropolitan style hair.
i have been busy sorting out work experience, and an interesting letter arrived from my local paper in london telling me id got some with them (woohoo) ANYWAY crucially at the end of the letter they inform me that 'we don't expect students to wear suits and ties, but smart casual is compulsory. jeans, trainers and t-shirts are not acceptable'. well that rules out like my entire wardrobe! wonder if theyll appreciate the tattoos...
last night watched what appeared to be a movie about a chess game, then became an erotic porn-o thing, and then it transpired it was a murder movie *sigh* so it goes.
anyway must dash, i have some zionists to persecute :)
wotcha! this week ive been doing lots but cant tell you bout it because i miss laurence too much. we havnt seen him for ages. where is he? i need to steal his transmetropolitan comics (he owns them all except for the last one because it isnt out yet) and play his final fantasy x. perhaps i will gate crash his lovely room this weekend with much violence and name calling. shenanigans. shenandoah. shanty town. sasparilla. this week i will win the friday pop quiz!
mommy loves you. mommy loves you. mommy loves you.
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
big sis came down on saturday for our friends birthday! it was a beautiful sunny day to spend in the park. a lovely blue sky and many nice people with frisbees etc. then we went to see t'ADF and a film about resistance. oh hang on - it was may day! i should have been out fighting for justice! silly me. but it's ok, 'coz when i start earning money, i'll be able to buy into the resistance subculture with sweat-shop t-shirts of riots that i wasn't a part of, like most people, who hold opinions in complete contrast to their actions and the industries and regimes they support.
oh, and Transmetropoliton. just that. news journalists can be cool.