Wednesday, May 19, 2004

first things first, yes i really AM as cute as that pic. purrr at me. so yeah had a bit of a problem actually writing this time. just sat here looking at the screen and waiting for it to load. which it had. sad huh?
so i tried to see grillys blog but it wasnt there anymore. and i wonder, if grillys blog vanishes, does grilly vanish too?
the last few days have been a bit mental. i am superchilled about my work (and the fact that i havent done it) but that led to me realising today that i have NO IDEA where and when hand in is etc. would have bin stressful if my karma bubble hadnt remained intact.
yesterday i put-putt-ed my way onto and off of campus on my scooter which was adventurefilled as i got trapped in a car park - no1 told me those barrier things raise when you drive at them! - and had my first full on encounter with... THE VOGUE GYRATORY. which sounds like the name of a film doesnt it. a bit like 'shariah law (and the unsolved death of perry mason)' which i came up with yesterday at beths.
at beths where we (me, grillbo, alex, rach, dom, tuck, joe, and cris) watched the film i made of beth and annabel. still unnamed as it goes, suggestions welcome. it didnt turn out too bad. at least i thought it was ok tho to be honest after days of editing it i feel like vomiting when i hear merrygorounds. doo doo doo doo doo...see? its still in my head. grrr.
i can't even remember the weekend which people used to say meant it was probably good, but thinking about that i think that if u cant remeber ur weekend its probably cos ur repressing something really traumatic that happened. just as well i cant remember huh?
think it was sunny. but who can tell? think i played games with laurence and he got all freaked out. and man these are games we play on summer camp with like kids as young as ten. so twas indeed funny to watch laurence get scared. (for your reference it was the dinner time shooting game...tho that does sound scary i guess) well ill let you make up your own mind. check laurences blog or come round to mine & challenge me....
jessski. reclaim the name dude.
ps whats the point?


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