Friday, May 21, 2004

"You are... Haruko! You are spunky, hyper, slightly mysterious, sexually open and completely free with yourself. You don't mind toying with people and are an ambitious person. The only problem may be that people will find you a little over-whelming at times. Your personality is strong and you like strong people in turn. Haruko owns a Rickenbacker bass guitar and drives a vintage Vespa. She's an alien who knows what she wants."
or so it says. who is haruko? i dunno but im glad i am. hmm. indeed, toying eith people is one of my favourite pastimes.
y am i trapped on campus?
a) i lost the code to the exit forcefield
b) i just love it here
c) i drove my bike in in a sunny patch and now its pissing it down and im scared to leave
d) ok look the answers c. duh. but what if it never stops raining? sob.
am also here trying to print something out for anna. but its not on the disk she gave me. and i have no credit. what happens now? only u can decide...
and while we're at it, could someone please do some revision for me? i get the feeling its never gonna get done otherwise.
carnival saturday nite. b there. if not, c u for vegan lunch at the cowley on sunday.


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