Saturday, June 26, 2004

so my first post from londres eh? noticed the sun came out, just enought for the glasto-goers to remove their plastic bags before it poured again. mwa ha ha ha.

the trip up here was murderous. at least it wouldve been if i wasnt slightly sedated by having pulled an allnighter and being WASTED mate im telling you. the worst part was sitting in the house with no music books or food waiting and hour for my dad and alec to get back from removing the fish (not removing in a dissappearing maffia style way, just transporting them to alexs new pad) i sat and stared at a wall. no really. for an hour. not even a variety of walls, no, just the one. well its good to be consistent at any rate.

am still not really tired i wanna go raving and smoking and sightseeing right now but london is so big and i am somewhere up its arse end with my friends in the general area of the nipple. and this is mammoth size we're talking. i mean itd take days to trek to the nipple. itd be a fucking exodus. a pilgrimage. the pilgrimage of the nipple. stick that one in your pipe and smoke it.

slight pangs of guilt for actually just leaving loadsa stuff at number 6 in grillys room in the hope that laurenec will ignore my syphillis curse and collect it for storage. hope they can both forgive me before moving in time... speaking of which the ever elusive joel has over come hygeine reservations to agree to join our collective. (borg rather than anarchist. tho he doesnt know that yet).

missing people is odd. especially when you didnt expect to. phantom limb stylee.

and incidentally, i did read the other 2 of the kinky f crime wankers in a day and a bit. so yah boo.


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