Wednesday, June 09, 2004

so the real question is: does benny goodman sound like the music from ghost world? i think..... not. say it with me dude: i think.... not. ah, that just feels so good doesnt it? nice to know its having a resurgence.sean would be so proud. if he knew it even existed.
the last badger of this academic year has been raped, impregnated, aborted, skullfucked, shaved and castrated. and now we lay it to rest. the beast is dead. i am the new god. and you love it.
finally fulfilled my weekend chill-plan after a whole day, yes i repeat that, a whole day, spent trying to pick up. who the fuck tries to pick up on j-day? only me. damn those london kids and their weed parties. grr. kate saved my ass which was indeed a pleasurable experience on many levels. (would love to say it was so deep man but cant bring myself to type that kinda half assed (geddit?) pun. o. i suck huh? heh heh) twas a bit late in the day tho, was already on my way to beths. cant remeber what happened there. o yeah, i watched someone slice off their face and feed it to the dog. and then we watched hannibal. the video game geeks played video games. u wouldnt believe it, but yesterday they informed me that it was 'a lifestyle choice'. i annoyed them a bit by substituting everything after 'life' for waste. very defensive lads. go outside for fucks sake and stop the melatonin deficiency in its tracks! or blow up iraqis. whatever.
u can tell that got me mad huh? yeah i was angered. dont get me wrong, i lve em myself. but they're recreational ie a break from LIFE. LIFE is not fucking VIDEOGAMES. and anyone who disagrees will get beats. and it shouldnt be too hard for me to pulp ya cos your muscles have all atrophied from sitting on that damn sofa all your life (waste). nuff said.
saturday and sunday saw me sunbathing in the garden with smoke and books (dude read 'what a carve up'. rokka) twas great, even the burning. (see, no melatonin deficiency for me! mwahahaha) dont know if i even left the house. got a call from joe yesterday tho BORED with the afore(over)mentioned gamesters so we went and played pool. i got id-ed for orange juice. what? yep indeedy. went thru all the rigmarole of showing id. it wasnt accepted. i need a passport or a driving licence. dude, do u READ my blog? i LOST my fucking passport and i dont HAVE a driving licence. what is there not to accept about my student card? Im 20 u piece of shit. I have a tattoo. i drive a bike. i work in bars. WHAT IS THERE NOT TO ACCEPT? accept my boot in your face townie whore. it doesnt have id either...
so we played pool -i lost- retreated back to beths where we played chess -i lost- and then had the lifestyle chat i have already described. (i didnt lose that altho i ran away. but we all know i won on moral grounds.)
still missing robingirl. wonder what its gonna be like when she has a year away? sad i guess. no one cleans the house when shes not around. altho to be honest, when shes around its only her that cleans the house anyway...
am slowly recovering from the debilitating snot disease i had a coupla days ago. apologies must go to grilly who seems to have caught it. and right at the start of his exams and all. sorry.
interesting item on the news today, some guy wants the working classes to smoke as its the only fun they have. yeah, kill off our labour force you cunt! some of us have cars that need cleaning and shoes that need polishing and cocks that need sucking. *sigh* fool. i guess that wasnt a totally accurate description of the story, but think of me as piers morgan. it was a truthful depiction of what it could have been like. or something.
anyhoo comrades, have to go back into the virtual world of online purchasing to make a (last?) desperate attempt to get boyrobins bday present. see y'all in the 'underage reject queue' wherever, whenever. unless you have a passport you lucky fucker.


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