Tuesday, November 09, 2004

the blog ends here.

thanks for reading.


Saturday, November 06, 2004

communal food?dont even mention it mate. and no i wont fucking say hello. talking of which - fucking, not greeting - we're just gonna have to cut down on swearing in the paper. you offer them the freedom to say anything and all they produce is a volley of 'fucks' for fuckssake..

trying to book for sweden this winter is proving more stressful than i thought - altho, booking holidays invariably is more stressful than i think so i dont know why im continually taken by surprise.. i can get flights for like 100 pounds to gothenburg but it seems that the train to norrland might cost like a hundred as well grrr. nik and cecilia might be coming whichd be cool.

spent yesterday running around in the woods near steyning which resulted in the dramatic calling out of a cop helicopter complete with a 2000AD style searchlight.. think the people in the nearby conference centre shat themselves having a helicopter hovering ahead in the pitch black in the middle of the countryside with people screaming and a powerful searchlight scanning the grounds. o and the dogs. did i forget the dogs? apparently they bite.

so rachy wrote me the nicest letter in response to my last blog. let us, shall we say, forget it. she has helped, i have helped, we are helpful. the time has passed all is sunlight and wonder.

no but seriously, wonder. i randomly (but not so randomly considering the date yesterday) walked into a full scale fireworks display on the level. bonetired and just standing there watching like 4 displays. and joel came out with a cigareete and all was nice and at peace.

the joy of our new washing machine is great. no-one else knows this, but every morning i go downstairs and offer adulations on bended knee before this, the local god of cleanliness.

and u know, you're welcome to come round and join me whenever you want.

have u noticed how much more beautiful things are in winter? the countryside for example. absolutely stunning and silent, only disturbed by some cows occassionally (and us). and the trees. maybe its cos theyre so close to death. but yeah. nature pulls it all out in spring and summer, but the faded remnants of that glory are so much more poignant.


Tuesday, November 02, 2004

i dont seem to FEATURE anywhere.

-sorry for the capslock, id use italics but cant find it anywhere. me and my lame-o computer skills..

so the question is, where am i?

i mean its not like im not noticed i mean on the way to get lunch and back today i ran into like 15 people i know. and we chatted and stuff. its not that. just....i dunno


is this kinda stuff not meant to go on blogs?maybe we're meant to be happy the whole time...

yay! ha ha ha ha ha! (better?)


gripes list:
communal food
time (and why hasnt god created an extra day of the week yet so i can do everything?)
god (see above)
being completely fucking invisible.

anyhoo on a lighter note, daniel emailed me today and randomly has asked me to dj some at this music festival in bologna this december. rarr! and ive never even dj-ed before (now you're jealous..)

and the election means i get to pull an allnighter (or as much of one as i can do before i crash). i hear it really gets going around 3/4am. im bringing drugs. what are u bringing?

and why do i keep dreaming about playing a weird harp made of burnt wood?